Our mission is to explore the potential of Vancouver Island and the Rural Islands as an arts and culture powerhouse, leveraging our unique characteristics and strengths in creative tourism and creative economic development. We do this by measuring the impact of the arts ecosystem, designing regional solutions that advance equity and inclusion and fostering collaboration between the arts, tourism, and business sectors. Ultimately our goal is to create the conditions (spaces, supports, services) that allow artists and creative communities to contribute to economic and social well-being - and to be valued for their contributions.
In June 2019 we organized a virtual conversation with arts, tourism and economic development folks from across Vancouver Island. We asked two pivotal questions: What if we’re an arts and culture powerhouse? And what do we want to do about it?
Since then we have made significant strides answering and acting on these questions. We've secured nearly $1.5 million in funding to conduct ground-breaking impact research, identify critical support gaps and pilot transformative local solutions. Along the way we’ve forged incredible partnerships with a diverse range of arts organizations, government agencies and educational institutions.
This spring of 2024, we are primarily focused on two exploratory projects. In partnership with Tourism Vancouver Island and tourism operators, we're imagining our own definition of Creative Tourism, and identifying marketplace opportunities in the tourism sector for creative entrepreneurs. With Simon Fraser University we’re piloting a Data Makers Residency program to inform strategic decision-making within our creative ecosystem. These ventures mark exciting steps towards realizing our vision for a thriving creative sector, measured and valued for its robust impacts.